Updated List of Banned Dog Breeds UK 2025

List of Banned Dog Breeds UK (Updated 2025)

In the United Kingdom, Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) has been a topic of significant debate since its introduction as part of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. The law bans certain breeds deemed to pose a risk to public safety. However, critics argue that BSL is ineffective and unfair, punishing dogs based on appearance rather than behavior. As of March 2025, here is the latest List of Banned Dog Breeds UK and the implications for dog owners.

Updated List of Banned Dog Breeds UK 2025

List of Banned Dog Breeds UK (2025)

The following breeds remain illegal to own in the UK unless an exemption has been granted:

  1. Pit Bull Terrier
  2. Japanese Tosa
  3. Dogo Argentino
  4. Fila Brasileiro
  5. XL Bully (Illegal to own without a Certificate of Exemption since February 1, 2024)

Under current laws, it is illegal to:

  • Sell, abandon, give away, or breed banned dogs.
  • Own a banned dog unless it has been granted an exemption.

How Are Dogs Determined to Be a Banned Breed?

BSL does not rely on a dog’s genetic makeup but rather its physical characteristics. If a dog resembles a banned breed in appearance, it may be seized and assessed, even if it has no history of aggression.

What Happens If You Own a Banned Breed?

If a dog is suspected to be a banned type:

  • The police or local authorities can seize the dog, even if it has not behaved dangerously.
  • The dog is assessed by experts, and its fate is decided by a court.
  • Owners may face fines, imprisonment, or forced euthanasia of their pet unless they secure an exemption.

Exemptions and Restrictions

Dogs that are granted an exemption must meet strict conditions for the rest of their lives, including:

  • Being neutered.
  • Microchipped.
  • Muzzled and on a lead in public.
  • Kept in a secure place at home.
  • Covered by third-party insurance.

Owners must also be at least 16 years old and notify authorities of any changes in ownership or address.

Does BSL Work? The Rising Number of Dog Attacks

Despite the ban on certain breeds, dog bite incidents in the UK have risen significantly. Between 1999 and 2019, reported bites increased by 154% (from 3,454 to 8,775 cases). Between 1989 and 2017, 48 fatal dog attacks occurred, yet 53 of the 62 dogs involved were not on the banned list.

Does BSL Work? The Rising Number of Dog Attacks

This raises serious questions about whether breed bans are an effective measure in reducing dangerous dog incidents.

Alternatives to BSL: A Better Approach?

Many experts believe a more effective way to protect public safety is to focus on:

  1. Behavior-Based Legislation – Regulating dogs based on behavior rather than breed.
  2. Owner Responsibility – Educating owners on proper training, socialization, and responsible pet ownership.
  3. Enforcement of Dangerous Dog Laws – Ensuring stricter penalties for those who encourage aggressive behavior in any breed.

Several countries, including Italy, the Netherlands, and parts of Germany and the U.S., have repealed BSL in favor of alternative approaches that focus on education and responsible ownership.

The Fight to End BSL in the UK

Animal welfare organizations continue to advocate for repealing Section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act. Campaigns urge MPs to replace breed-based bans with fairer, evidence-based policies. Supporters argue that responsible ownership and early intervention are key to preventing dog attacks.


As of 2025, the UK maintains its List of Banned Dog Breeds UK under the Dangerous Dogs Act, despite mounting evidence that BSL is ineffective in reducing attacks. While changes may take time, the push for fairer, behavior-based legislation continues. For now, dog owners must remain informed and compliant with the current laws while advocating for a more effective and humane approach to canine legislation.

About the author
Alex J.
Alex is a passionate pet lover and blogger dedicated to dog care and guidance. As the proud owner of a Cane Corso, he shares valuable insights to help fellow pet owners nurture their furry friends. Join him in celebrating the joy of canine companionship!